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On time 和 in time “按时” 还是 “及时”?

发布日期:2025-01-04 10:57    点击次数:70

内容简介搭配 “on time” 和 “in time” 都可以用来描述事情发生的时间与日程、安排之间的联系。它们当中一个表示 “按时”,另一个则表示 “及时” —— 你能分清吗?比如,“火车没有准时到站” 中的 “准时” 用哪个更恰当?看视频,听主持人 Phil 用工作和生活中的场景来对比这两个搭配之间的区别。文字稿Let's look at the difference between on time and in time. They often mean the same, but sometimes they are different.On time means 'according to a schedule or a deadline'.If I don't finish my work on time, my boss will be angry.My train is never on time.In time means 'not too late to be successful'.I missed my deadline, but I still got the presentation finished in time for the meeting.My train was late, but it still arrived in time for me to get to work early.Neither my presentation nor my train were on time – but they were in time for me to do what I needed to do.It's good to be on time; it's even more important to be in time!The difference is down to how flexible your schedule is – but be careful – sometimes, if you're not on time, you won't be in time, either!用法总结1. “On time” 用来谈论 “按照某个设定好的计划、时刻表或者最终期限做某事”,意思是 “按时,准时”。 If I don't finish my work on time, my boss will be angry.My train is never on time.2. “In time” 用来谈论 “没有因为太迟而导致事情无法顺利进行”,意思是 “及时”。I missed my deadline, but I still got the presentation finished in time for the meeting.My train was late, but it still arrived in time for me to get to work early.3. 如果条件和日程安排相对宽松,那么有时,虽然没有做到 “on time(准时)”,但由于做到了 “in time(及时)”,事情还是可以顺利进行。Neither my presentation nor my train were on time – but they were in time for me to do what I needed to do.4. 但有时,比如在时间安排很紧的情况下,如果无法做到 “on time(准时)”,那么也就没办法做到 “in time(及时)”。Sometimes, if you're not on time, you won't be in time either!

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